Welcome to Terra Eterna's Landing page!
Terra Eterna is a board game project on Gamefound. Explore the lands of Eterna with your friends and fellow adventurers. Take on Quests and defeat your adversaries: it's a familiar fantasy realm with exciting new stories and adventures!
Terra Eterna - a fantasy realm of magic, kingdoms, monsters, and adventure. The Objective of the game is to obtain 5 "bounties posters" that will reward you with "victory points". You and your friends will try to get above a certain threshold or as high as you can... lest there be a conflict in the party. During your time undertaking these quests, you will encounter monsters and hurdles that will challenge you to strategize and work with other players to ensure the survival of the party. The game revolves heavily on building your character throughout the game so that you may become stronger and take on harder bounties.

How to play
Step 1: Choose your hero!

Choose a hero card that you will play as and take the corresponding hero standee to represent your character and place it on the starting tile. You'll notice that every hero has different stats and class proficiency. Try out different heroes and strategize on how to maximize your hero's true potential!
Step 2: Collect a bounty poster, choose your mission!

The average session allows for 5 rounds. At the start of each round, you and your team are expected to discuss which bounty to take. If there is a clash in interest, the round leader will make the final decision regarding this matter.
The back of the bounty card will tell you what to do and how to achieve victory points for the round.
Step 3: explore the expanding world.

During your missions, you will most likely be required to travel to places, monster infested areas that need to be liberated for the safety of the people... and also to collect loot and make your hero stronger. This is referred to as the Adventure phase, and everyone can move simultaneously during this phase.
*Hint: Your hero's SPEED stat is very important during this phase.
Step 4: Battle enemies, Roll your dice against the enemy dice.

No fantasy adventure is complete without fighting monsters! you will encounter monster tokens during your travels and they convert to opening a card from the monster deck.
The basic gist of the battle is to roll a number of dice in accordance to one of your stats to either attack or defend.
Step 5: Alter your fate with your Skill cards!

You will have a deck of cards in your possession which you draw from. These cards in your hand will allow you to alter the battle to your advantage. Even when facing an enemy that has higher fire-power than you, you may yet turn the tide with these skill cards. This is where strategy, deck-building, and foresight comes to play.
Step 6: kill monsters, hoard items, obtain victory points, get stronger and repeat!

Killing monsters will allow you to keep that card and slide it under your hero to show that you now possess the loot from the monster which will give you extra stats. You will also get a chance to obtain new skill cards and even find treasure tokens which you can trade for powerful artifacts that will help you get stronger.
Meeting the Objective: Victory Points (VP).

Completing every quest will net you an end-of-round-result card which makes the game progressively more difficult as you get stronger... whether or not you succeed or fail the mission. Slide the round result card under the tavern score board... this setup will show you the victory points you've accumulated thus far and also functions as a Round counter. If you fail a quest, you'll get zero points on that round, so do try to go for easier quests first.